W hen the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, it will annihilate all life on the North American continent. Siberia will become one of the safest places on Earth—which is yet another reason “the ...
The political structure of the world is made up of the relations between and among its 195 nation-states (herein states).
Xinhua - The UN General Assembly UNGA on Tuesday debated the use of veto power in the Security Council just ahead of the ...
Kyiv brings in higher payments for volunteers and new punishments for draft dodgers ...
Their convergence is creating a new axis of upheaval—a development that is fundamentally altering the geopolitical landscape.
The United Nations Security Council is scheduled to vote Friday on a Palestinian request for full U.N. membership, said ...
The resolution's failure "will not defeat our determination," said Palestine's permanent observer at the United Nations.
Despite Biden’s pledge to support a two-state solution, cables argue that Palestine should not be granted U.N. member status.