Since early 2023, full-time jobs have flatlined while part-time jobs have grown. Meanwhile, total number of employed workers ...
As much as its proponents brandish accounting tautologies and purely descriptive claims about government finance, in the end ...
"The state is the greatest monopoly of all; it can brook no rival or colleague in its domain; it is necessarily sole and ...
Finding the Money, a video aimed at explaining Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) to a popular audience, debuted today on several streaming platforms and theaters ...
Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institute clearly does not like anyone to challenge his pro-war beliefs. In his view, any opposition to the all-powerful American ...
What better way to explain the relationship between higher-order and lower-order goods than with food? Here, we look at the falafel sandwich.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed an executive order which had the purpose of curbing speech deemed as “anti-semitic” on all state-run ...
Congress claims to have targeted TikTok because China's government allegedly uses it to spy on Americans. Besides dealing with a nonexistent threat, the bill ...
This article is adapted from a lecture delivered to the Federalist Society: The Federal Reserve is a fundamental problem for the Constitutional order of the ...
The Fed presumably has an “implied guaranty” from the Treasury, but it seems certain that Congress never dreamed that the Fed ...
Many police traffic stops are not about safety or protecting the public. They are about siphoning cash from motorists to ...
It is the waning days of the Sunak premiership, and the Conservative party still has a stonking majority despite its cataclysmic capitulation in the polls. The ...