A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research has now been able to show in mice that adaptations in the liver mitochondria take place after only a few minutes. Stimulated ...
Global biodiversity has declined between 2% and 11% during the 20th century due to land-use change alone, according to a large multi-model study published in Science. The projections show that climate ...
T. Münzel, M. Molitor, M. Kuntic, O. Hahad, M. Röösli, N. Engelmann, M. Basner, A. Daiber, M. Sørensen, Transportation Noise Pollution and Cardiovascular Health, Circulation Research, ...
M. Jörg, J. E. Plehn et al., N1-methylation of adenosine (m1A) in ND5 mRNA leads to complex I dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease, Molecular Psychiatry, 29 January 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-024-02421-y ...
Schulte, N., Basch, J. M., Hay, H.-S., and Melchers, K. G. "Do Ethnic, Migration-Based, and Regional Language Varieties Put Applicants at a Disadvantage? A Meta-analysis of Biases in Personnel ...
Over three years of research, the consortium of the EU project HyFlow has successfully developed a highly efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective hybrid energy storage system (HESS) that can meet ...
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Mail: Maximilian.Wintergerst@ukbonn.de Matthias M. Mauschitz, Markus Zeller et al: Fundus Autofluorescence in Posterior and Panuveitis - An Under-Estimated Imaging Technique: A Review and Case Series; ...
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Intuitively, one would expect that personal preferences for singing voices would be based on certain acoustic criteria. However, in the course of our study, we came to a different conclusion,” first ...
She recently published her findings, which she obtained as part of her doctorate, in JACS, the renowned Journal of the American Chemical Society. The model reaction sounds unspectacular and, above all ...