To not even think about this book, but to give it up to the universe. I think the universe listened. Suddenly, the day before ...
The Bhagavad Gita attempts to resolve the tension between competing strands of Hinduism. The god Krishna integrates Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Raja Yoga into devotionalism, or Bhakti Yoga. A person ...
People predicted that reading books would become extinct due to digital technology.
When parents tell kids they've decided to become consensually nonmonogamous, the kids will have questions. Children living in ...
If you've ever wondered why mental and physical illnesses often co-occur, understanding their bidirectional nature can help.
Herb recognized his thinking was irrational, saying to himself, “It’s silly to compare yourself to others. You know there’s ...
When all else fails, negotiating an agreement with a mediator can provide guardrails for a fractured sibling relationship, ...
Widows can fall in love, but the relationship is typically a complex ‘three hearts relationship’, where one partner is ...
Many clients who suffer from BPD have a history of abuse. One study states, “Among multiple identified risk factors, one of ...
Adversity can be a big reveal, distinguishing leaves and branches from the roots in your tree of life. When it comes to ...
My sister is a three-time breast cancer survivor who has a challenging autoimmune condition and has personally experienced ...
Have you found yourself feeling more distrustful? Read on to see how mindfulness may help you re-establish trust and ...