Pondering some fish outdoors? Danny Crook of OASE offers some pointers to make sure you get the right set-up. Pond filters over the decades have often been a bit hit and miss and many were DIY affairs ...
Jeremy Gay with a new pond filter that could also be put to good use by the marine fishkeeper! I’ve long been a big fan of Clearwater Aquatics. It was a pioneer name in Discus and reefkeeping and was ...
When the water in your Koi pond gets green, you know that is the time to get a new UV sterilizer. The exceeded food causes the growth of algae, bacteria, parasites, viruses and other microorganisms, ...
To get rid of these harms, you’ll need a good filter. It keeps the water clean and maintains a healthy environment for your Koi fishes. Here are my top picks for the best pond filter for koi: ...