When your beautiful bamboo plants turn yellow, it is often an indication of distress that could be a result of a variety of factors. Yellowing in the leaves and stems can occur whether your bamboo is ...
NAIROBI, Kenya -- Armed with gardening hoes while others cradled bamboo seedlings, students gathered outside their school in ...
If you want to turn that sentiment into a permanent fixture in your home, the lucky bamboo plant is here to help. But while ...
[Xkitz] uses a bamboo plant as his trigger. Gently touching any leaf will still act as an adequate trigger — as cool demonstration of how the electrostatic field works.
If you have curious kids, kitties, or canines, it is best to keep them away from bamboo growing in your yard. Common Name Common bamboo, Feathery bamboo Botanical Name Family Poaceae Plant Type ...
Understanding plant-based textiles. Derived from bamboo, hemp, and organic cotton, plant-based fabrics offer an eco-friendly ...
Bamboo plants are relatively easy to grow. A diverse group of woody perennial evergreen grass, bamboos—of which there are more than 1,500 cultivars—are incredibly fast-growing, and can easily ...
Depending on the plant you choose, you can bring different kinds of luck into your life and into your home, says feng shui consultant and author Carole Hyder. The lucky bamboo plant, for instance ...
A report by the National Bamboo Mission (NBM) committee criticizes private firms for the failure of tissue culture bamboo plants, specifically Bambusa balcooa or Beema species, leading to losses for ...
Athens-Clarke commissioners are set to update an ordinance to expand the list of invasive plant species bothering local ...
Bamboo can be challenging to grow in Maine’s cold climate and, if not planned and managed properly, could potentially take over your garden.