We blame frizz and flyaways on bad weather and high humidity, but sometimes it starts with what tool we’re using — and Drybar just came to the rescue with their new innovation. The titanium ...
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A South Korean man has been sentenced to 14 months in prison for killing 76 cats in one of the country’s most gruesome cases of animal cruelty in recent years.
House cleaning isn't something most people like to do, but if you have the right tools, you can actually have ... her actually want to do the dishes; high praise indeed. For stuck-on food, this ...
DEMING, New Mexico (KVIA) -- A Luna County Sheriff's Corporal is being charged with vehicular homicide Wednesday for his role in a crash in Deming that killed a 14-month-old boy. The crash ...
Rhinos are also wallowers. They find a suitable water hole and roll in its mud, coating their skin with a natural bug repellent and sunblock. Rhinos have sharp hearing and a keen sense of smell.
MUKONO, Uganda (AP) — In a forested area outside Uganda’s capital, a few dozen youth gather around a makeshift ring to watch two amateur wrestlers tangle in the mud. The training sessions ...
This year’s prime culprit? Bon Jovi, the poufy-haired pretty boys from New Jersey who launched a seemingly endless volley of hits to the top of the charts starting in the mid-’80s and invoked ...
Now 62, Bon Jovi has had a decade of throat trouble ... and help people out of homelessness and poverty. He compared the “high” from helping people less fortunate than him and washing dishes ...
Applied mathematics, nonlinear waves, solitons, integrable systems, inverse problems, applied probability, stochastic processes, optics. Applied mathematics ...