Gardening and pest control experts say products that contain capsaicin, a chemical that makes cayenne peppers hot, can work ...
Hiring a professional pest control service to eliminate and control these stubborn creatures is typically the best way to deal with the situation. Whether your home is in the grips of an invasion ...
We recently purchased the Mardili Cat&Dog repellent Outdoor/Indoor Spike scat mat to keep our dog from digging holes in our garden. The product was easy to install and covered a large area.
"The revisions also establish basic protection for community cat caretakers who employ trap-neuter-return methods to control the unwanted ... into an impounded stray dog who is deemed vicious ...
Garfield (voiced by Chris Pratt), the world-famous, Monday-hating, lasagna-loving indoor cat, is about to have a wild outdoor adventure! After an unexpected reunion with his long-lost father ...
Your dog stinks, so you bathe them. But sometimes, it’s not as cut and dry as “smell something, do something.” What’s a dog owner to do? Here’s the catch: There’s no exact science ...
Remember, your task is to find the cat in this visual brain teaser. Do you feel prepared to explore the Puzzle Universe? It is time for you to show your abilities and skills! This puzzle will test ...
A family dog and cat were killed when a blaze broke out at ... It took crews about 20 minutes to get the flames under control, he said. The living room sustained fire damage.
A vet has advised cat and dog owners about five common conditions they might not know their pet is suffering from. Pets often appear cheery, wagging their tails or purring, but they are ...