A photo making the rounds on social media has captured the faces of about 30 intelligent students who scored 300 and above in the just concluded UTME.
FLINT – Fischer Hendershot and Grant Garman allowed a total of four hits Thursday in leading Powers Catholic to a 2-0, 4-0 doubleheader baseball sweep over Davison.
Catholic Education Week runs from May 6 to 10 and the Prince Albert Catholic School Division is planning events ahead of the week.The theme of Catholic Educ ...
Officials attributed the decision to close the Catholic school to shifting demographics and lower enrollment, which have ...
A school was forced to close for a deep clean after a number of staff and pupils were struck by illness. Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, off Old Oscott Hill in Kingstanding, remained shut on Friday ...
The Department of Health and Human Services announced new regulations April 26 that restore Obama-era protections for patients who identify as transgender that the Trump administration rolled back in ...