Russia's ambassador to the U.N. vetoed a resolution sponsored by the United States and Japan that called upon all nations to ...
China’s need for allies is driven by its worry about neighbouring North Korea and concern about western dominance.
The draft resolution sponsored by the U.S. and Japan would have reaffirmed a ban already put forth by the Outer Space Treaty.
The Soviet Union launched more than 30 military satellites powered by nuclear reactors. Russia's military space program ...
Xi claims to have proposed ‘mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation to be the three overarching ...
Russia on Wednesday vetoed a United Nations resolution that would ban the use of nuclear weapons in outer space amid US ...
Russia has vetoed a U.N. resolution sponsored by the United States and Japan calling on all nations to prevent a dangerous ...
The Kremlin shrugged off a trip to China by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during which he raised concerns about ...
Russia has vetoed a resolution at the UN Security Council calling on all countries to prevent an arms race in outer space.
With its abstention from the vote, "China has shown that it would rather defend Russia as its junior partner, than safeguard the global nonproliferation regime," said Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ...
China is providing moorage for a U.S.-sanctioned Russian cargo ship implicated in North Korean arms transfers to Russia, ...
Russia on Wednesday vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have called on all states to prevent the ...