Got bees? Don't put up with all that buzzing and stinging; here are some easy ways to get rid of bees this spring.
Bee-flies look adorable. Seeing the dark-edged bee-fly hover in mid-air, some people describe it as a tiny, fluffy, flying narwhale. It has a hairy little body and face, and a very long, straw-like ...
Now, one nonprofit is adding a new sound to this urban landscape: the buzzing of bees. Special correspondent Mary Ellen Geist reports on the efforts… Humans rely heavily on pollinator bees to ...
Worldwide, honey bees provide an annual honey crop of approximately one billion kilograms Each honey bee will produce about a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime – probably the amount ...
EAST AURORA, N.Y. — Did you know that you can order bees to help with your garden or produce honey? Daybreak's Kevin O'Neill introduced us to a local nursery that recently received millions of ...
Did you know that the old line about bees dying right after they sting you actually only applies to honey bees? I suddenly don’t feel so bad about my expletive-loaded response to being stung ...
The partnership was a no-brainer according to a spokesperson. "Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey supports the mission of The Bee Conservancy and we are aligned with their commitment to protecting bees ...
While we fight to save the honey bee, we forget about the wild bees and miss the fact that honey bees are causing them issues. A study done in California concluded a negative correlation between ...
HOMESTEAD, Pa. (KDKA) — Spring has sprung, and the honey bees are buzzing. But in some cases, they are becoming a nuisance. A McKees Rocks-based bee removal company stepped up to help a ...
Bees do not create honey; they are actually improving upon a plant product, nectar. The honey we eat is nectar that bees have repeatedly regurgitated and dehydrated. The average American consumes ...
Insect pollination is critical to agriculture, with ninety or more U.S. crops dependent on insect pollination. Economically, honey bees contribute more than an estimated $15 billion to the ...
Insect pollination is critical to agriculture, with ninety or more U.S. crops dependent on insect pollination. Economically, honey bees contribute more than an estimated $15 billion to the ...