In some cultures, it is used to remember loved ones who have passed. Delphiniums are considered toxic to humans and animals. All parts of the plant contain poisonous chemicals and various diterpenoid ...
Or in southern states try growing them as annuals, buying fresh plants or growing delphinium from seed each summer to bloom ...
April is when gardeners need to start being mathematicians and professional organizers, trying to find space for all the seedlings that need to get into trays on time. It’s also the first time ...
These traditional cottage garden flowers are perfect for adding height to the back of a summer border. Make new plants by taking cuttings with our guide. You can make new plants by taking cuttings ...
Carol Martinek is focusing on sprucing up her Cheswick backyard this year. She picked up a few flowering plants at the ...
Look for summer flowering perennials such as delphiniums, dahlias and salvias. Some annuals are hardy enough to go directly ...
The simple answer to all of the above, strange as it may sound, is that pinching out, pruning, and cutting back are all tried ...
Currently, numerous Super Plant selections (trees ... Columbine Swan series, Delphinium Diamonds Blue, Dianthus Amazon series and Jolt series, Foxglove Camelot series, Kale Redbor, Supertunia ...
I am continually seeking students who will contribute as part of a research team that seeks to clarify mental models of how to manage invasive weeds in rangeland systems. Ideal team members will be ...
According to the RHS, enquiries relating to wild gardening have soured by over 28% and are set to continue rising, making meadow lawns a growing trend this year. Wild grasses and flowers including cow ...