AFTER VISITING a flower, the foraging honey-bee flies back to the hive with the ... As each bee sucks the liquid up a few proteins are added, and water is evaporated. After the liquid is placed ...
Blume Honey Water, bottled at Castle Co-Packers ... operates the first urban community apiary in the U.S., providing space for bee hives and gardens that serve as pollinators for the bees.
Water is an important aspect of a bee’s habitat: They drink it and use it to cool the hive, feed young bees, and to dilute ...
National Honey Bee Day is Aug. 19, and there are many ways to support the powerhouse pollinators. “Honey bees are critically ...
Got bees? Don't put up with all that buzzing and stinging; here are some easy ways to get rid of bees this spring.
Honey bee swarming is a natural process in which an ... Mulch: Add mulch in the landscape for weed suppression and water retention during the warmer months of the year. If possible, leave bare ...
and finally honey, tend to be much darker in color and have a rich flavor. Once the forager bee brings the nectar back to the hive the nectar will have been mixed with special enzymes the foraging bee ...
Honeybee swarming is a remarkable display of nature’s resilience and organization. It typically occurs when a colony outgrows ...
A three-year-old complained about “monsters in the wall” for months before 65,000 bees were discovered in her bedroom.
A call to a pest control company brought beekeeper Curtis Collins to the Class’s 100-year-old farmhouse. Using a thermal ...
The city’s buzzworthy project provides nutrition and nesting in the form of wooden boxes on poles and bee-friendly vegetation ...
A tired bee really does like a tiny hit of sugar (never honey!) Mix two teaspoons of white granulated sugar with one teaspoon of water and put it on a plate or drip it on a flower, to revive a tired ...