If you see either of these names on a seed packet or starter seedling, know that you're getting the common smooth luffa ...
The Luffa gourds are Asian natives like the wax gourd ... Archaeologists have found Peruvian sites with gourd seeds that date back to 13,000 to 11,000 BC and Thailand sites from 11,000 to 6,000 BC.
These gourds are generally agreed to have tropical origins, but it is possible to grow them in more temperate regions like the UK. It takes a long time for luffa plants to grow and for the fruit to ...
when you combine it with ghee it can possibly enhance speech and intelligence. Additionally, the ash gourd seeds derived oil can be beneficial in dandruff, baldness, and headache.
I left my loofah to fully ripen, removed the flesh and was left with a natural scrubbing sponge plus seeds to share and grow ...
French and runner beans are invaluable summer crops with runner beans being the heaviest cropping. Dwarf French beans sown in ...
It’s a beast of a gourd: it looks wider around than an ox ... There was something special about the seed. He called the strain Dill’s Atlantic Giant. That was the start of modern competitive ...
Dr Anshul Rai, Additional Professor, Department of Dentistry, through his research, has developed a "Gum Massaging Brush" prepared from Neem wood and bottle gourd loofah. The Ministry of Commerce ...
Next year, the swallow comes to Heungbu's and gives him a gourd seed. He plants the seed and split it in fall. A huge amount of gold, silver and gems come out of the gourd, and he becomes rich ...
The brush does not have any plastic components and is made of natural materials such as neem wood and bottle gourd loofah. This eco-friendly approach promotes sustainability and reduces the ...
A research conducted by the Peradeniya University has revealed the potentiality of bitter-gourd seeds in destroying cancer cells.Prof. Jayantha Rajapaksa of the Veterinary Faculty engaged in the ...