Now that spring is finally here, it's warm enough to hop on our bikes and breeze through our favorite trails and bike paths. The best folding electric ... If your city doesn't allow Class 2 ...
As more of the US awakens to the benefits of electric bikes, from reducing city traffic to reducing healthcare costs and improving quality of life, cities have been creating evermore incentives to ...
When asked about the decision to focus on e-bikes, Wattinne said Upway is “helping accelerate a large-scale underlying trend” that electric bikes are increasingly becoming popular. He noted th ...
Muscle Powered, Carson City's volunteer trail-building and maintenance team, will host numerous events during Bike Month (May) and is inviting the public to participate. “Muscle Powered works to make ...
The man remains on the ground as the sisters continue along the 6km tunnel connecting the CBD to the city’s eastern suburbs. Ms Klyde, 26 ... Rented electric bikes and scooters are increasingly ...
A $3 million state grant awarded to Lancaster city will go toward making Water Street a safe route for bicyclists traveling north and south through the city. The Water Street bicycle and ...
There's been an uptick in use of electric bikes on Bay Area streets over the past few years. At the same, fewer people are wearing a helmet when they ride, which experts say has led to an increase ...