and Archaeologists have found evidence of coastal settlements in western Canada dating from as early as 14,000-years-ago.
A site in Siberia has evidence of human presence 417,000 years ago, raising the possibility that hominins could have reached ...
A few interesting theories exist about how the first humans found their way into North America after dispersing from Africa and Asia. But we may finally have some concrete evidence to make valid ...
(CN) — New research on fossil footprint evidence suggests that humans were present in North America earlier than previously believed. Researchers led by Matthew Bennett, a geographer at England’s ...
Later, museum researchers discovered spearpoints among the bones—clear evidence that people had been present in North America much earlier than previously believed. Not long after, spearpoints ...
The Black Death first swept through Europe in the mid-1300s, killing tens of millions of people ... and southeastern North America that are dated from the 1550s to the early 1900s.
A recent paper attempts to set a new timeframe of when the first humans might have appeared along the coast of Southeast ...
An alarming rise in early-onset cancers has medical experts very concerned, as cancer cases in younger people are rising sharply. In particular, a surge in cases of breast cancer is being witnessed in ...
A conversation with Katherine J. Wu about the disease sweeping through animals and raising food-safety questions ...
Nichols found that she could trace the languages spoken in early North America back to just two lineages, both of which originated in Siberia. They came, she notes, with the people who made their ...
Are wild horses truly “wild,” as an indigenous species in North America, or are they “feral weeds”—barnyard ... relying on visual observations of physical characteristics. While earlier taxonomists ...
Rats have lived (and died) alongside people for thousands of years ... sites further suggest the species established in North America as early as 1731. Once here, brown rats rapidly took over ...