There are plant swaps and sales throughout the county. There are classes and events to make paper succulents, moon gardens and terrariums. Kids can make a butterfly garden and a planter for mom.
There are plant swaps and sales throughout the county. There are classes and events to make paper succulents, moon gardens and terrariums. Kids can make a butterfly garden and a planter for mom.
The flowers that bloom in late winter and spring are smaller and more delicate in appearance than those of their exotic cousins.
I recently purchased a vanilla orchid from a local plant sale because the idea of growing one intrigued me. I’ve grown air plants (tillandsia) with some degree of success and have managed to ...
Spring is a great time to add a few more roses to your garden. Roses are soil either bare-root or as container plants. Those sold in containers can be planted either in partial leaf or full leaf.
Luckily, new, more disease-resistant cultivars are now available, and you can once again help your native pollinators and grow a piece of U.S. history by planting a beautiful ... Dutch elm disease on ...
From your windows to what plants you grow, there are many ways to make your sanctuary a safe place for avian visitors. So You Have Your List of Native Plants. Now What? Doing a little prep and ...
As kids investigate, they forget to be scared. Flamingo Road has a 100-square-foot butterfly area full of pollinator-friendly plants and enclosures, with signs featuring tips about which plants ...
Either way, space red or yellow raspberry plants every 2 to 3 feet. Whether you're planting bare-root or potted plants, the key is to keep the crown of the plant 1 or 2 inches above the ground. Dig a ...