So, what if you could curate your garden to house plants that don’t just look pretty but also improve the soil quality of ...
There are plenty of fragrant, colorful honeysuckle vines you can grow in your home garden. Learn about some of the best ...
and your plants are counting on you ... people “love the bright colors” of the planters and say that they’re “so pretty.” ...
Choosing native plants for the garden protects the planet, helps wildlife, and lessens outdoor chores without sacrificing curb appeal.
Pepper plants may be lifted from the garden in the fall before the first frost and held indoors all winter. They quickly ...
"I took native plants for granted. They grow in the woods. They grow in the fields. You don't grow them," said Nancy Lincoln ...
It’s not hard to do, but people will forget, and others may balk at the upkeep price for what appears to be just a pretty plant. Plus, Neoplants can’t come to your home and prove the VOC ...
said in an interview that adding plants to your office or cubicle can bring about more benefits than just making your space pretty. “Plants just bring a livelihood to a space and it’s really ...
Choosing plants for a garden can be daunting. Northeast Ohio horticulturalists explain why you might want to go native.