Keep your garden full of flavors with companion plants that are easy going and follow the same maintenance plan. Oregano is a ...
Rosemary herb is an evergreen shrub with blue flowers. It is a plant of aroma used to add flavour to poultry, lamb and meat dishes and vegetables especially potatoes. It is also great in tea.
There are certain herbs you should avoid planting together, either because they need different conditions or they don't grow ...
‘Slugs are known to dislike plants with a strong fragrance, such as lavender,’ Petar confirms. ‘If you place lavender ...
Growing your own herb garden can be an economical and easy way to have the freshest herbs at your fingertips. Here's how to ...
Companion planting herbs allows plants to deter pests, enhance pollination, and improve soil health, Daniel Powers, founder ...
If the temperature is below freezing or anything under 32 degrees, you should always cover up your plants, especially if they ...
If you don't plant it in a pot, you'll want to segregate it from your other herbs. Either way ... The woodsy aroma of rosemary is yet another that drives away bugs including mosquitoes, moths ...
IF you’re someone who forgets to water their plants, this hack may be for you. A gardening expert shared the DIY hack she ...
As stated by Healthline, spices and herbs don’t expire in the conventional sense, but they can lose flavor, color and potency ...