With so many types of rototillers to choose from, finding the right one can be a challenge. Luckily I’ve tilled many a garden and can help you determine which rototiller is the best for you.
With so many types of rototillers to choose from, finding the right one can be a challenge. Luckily I’ve tilled many a garden and can help you determine which rototiller is the best for you.
Daffodils are blooming and tulips are on the way. My peas are planted, but how do you know when to plant your vegetables and ...
My advice? Get the simplest one you can get. What about rototillers? Should you rent or buy one, or not? I used one for years until someone more knowledgeable than me explained why he didn’t: ...
I often caution gardeners against over-use of rototillers as they aren’t great for soil structure, but if you’ve ever hand-dug a new garden bed with a spading fork, you’ll understand why ...
Demining machines—30-ton, dinosaur-size rototillers that flail the earth to a depth of 12 inches—are exceedingly expensive. Only three are in use, along with 50 or so dogs trained to sniff out ...
Early Oozeballers recall using rototillers and buckets of water from Lake LaSalle to muddy the courts before the Getzville Fire Company was called to lend a hand. For decades now, the fire company ...
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