Spring is upon us, and the best allergy products will make sure your respiratory tract is prepared. Instead of letting seasonal allergies get the best of you, you may want to invest in some of the ...
allergy tablets. They’re like allergy shots, without the shots. The tablets work by letting small doses of an allergen dissolve under your tongue. For example, if you’re allergic to ragweed ...
Shop quiet, effective air purifiers designed to clean the air and help reduce common allergy-causing particulates. The options below are a must-have for pet owners, people with asthma, and anyone ...
A 28 year-old California woman has described the shock of being diagnosed with a deadly sinus cancer that affects fewer than one in a million people - and led to the removal of her right eye.
Papayas are a high source of vitamin C ... Additionally, people with a latex allergy may also be allergic to papaya, so they may need to exercise caution around the fruit and products containing ...
Ibuprofen 200mg, chlorpheniramine maleate 2mg, pseudoephedrine HCl 30mg; coated-caplets. Hypertensive crisis with MAOIs. β-blockers may increase the pressor effects of sympathomimetics. Caution ...
The problem is so widespread that such organizations as the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Academy of Allergy ... or are considering sinus surgery. Figuring out that ...
The management of chronic and recurrent nasal and sinus disease requires a history and detailed examination of the patient that often includes allergy testing. The Department of Otolaryngology ...
Like other fruits and vegetables, grapes are a good source of fiber and water. They contain antioxidants and other bioactive compounds that can benefit health, although more research is necessary ...
Sublingual (under the tongue) therapy (SLIT) may be another option for people who dislike shots or can't keep up with an allergy shot schedule. This immunotherapy is delivered in daily tablets ...
An allergist may be able to help identify your allergy triggers. Several different types of allergy tests are used to do this. If you think you have allergies, think about seeing a doctor who can ...
SEATTLE — Pollen allergy season is in full force this spring and it is not expected to get better as we enter the summer months. In the northwest, tree pollen peaks in the spring months of March ...