Consuming more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains may help people with prostate cancer live longer, a new study suggests.
A new study has found that people who adhere to a healthy pro-vegetarian diet have a lower risk of all-cause mortality and ...
While animal products are to be avoided, vegans can eat a wide variety of plant-based foods, says Eslinger. They include: When done in a healthy way, following a vegan diet may show improvements ...
researchers suggest that plant-based diet benefits may not be applicable to PBMAs. Researchers encouraged the food industry to re-evaluate the production of next generation PBMAs with improved ...
TAMPA (BLOOM) – Many people are turning to a plant-based diet as ... powers of a vegan diet. Fabricio shares his weight loss journey and Laceinne showcases a delicious strawberry vegan cake.
Select an option below to continue reading this premium story. Already a Honolulu Star-Advertiser subscriber? Log in now to continue reading. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser welcomes all opinions ...
Lentiful founder Ben Bacon said as he and his family switched to a plant-based diet, before founding Lentiful, they were constantly looking for easy, tasty, plant-based food to fill their appetite.
Australian foodies are flocking to a groundbreaking drive-thru that sells 'delicious' and 'healthy' budget ... balanced using evidence-based nutrition. 'It's not diet food or rabbit food.
The diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains ... heart health tied to these two diets as well as a plant-based diet, the 2020 Healthy Eating Index, and the alternate Mediterranean diet.