Got bees? Don't put up with all that buzzing and stinging; here are some easy ways to get rid of bees this spring.
There are over 1,000 native species of bees in Arizona, but during the warmer months, carpenters bees take the spotlight.
The Murmur of Bees, is an exhibition currently taking place at the Museum of Country Life near Castlebar, displaying a ...
Honey bee swarming is a natural process in which an existing population divides to create a new, separate nest. This generally ... If you come across a swarm, do your best to leave it alone ...
Unlike bees, wasps and hornets will continue to attack and swarm until the feel as if the nest is safe. Also, unlike most ...
While honey bees are often thought of as the top pollinators ... Even though mason bees are solitary, they do construct their nests beside each other. They like to lay their eggs in pre-existing ...
According to Shannon Harlow-Ellis, an associate certified entomologist at Mosquito Joe, you can try remedies such as citrus ...
"Carpenter bees are often regarded as the gentle giants of the native pollinator community," says Crumbley. "They do not make ...
In spite of previous struggles to save the honey bee population, the US is showing a record number of colonies for the first ...
The members of a swarm face the problem of finding a suitably sized and protective nest ... honey bee dies when it uses its sting, so these bees are careful about using their stings. They do ...