Canada is home to more than 800 species of wild bees—few may have noticed the diversity of native bees buzzing around, but ...
More frequent heatwaves mean bees are unable to thermoregulate their hives – further endangering a species already in decline ...
The global bumblebee population has declined since the 1950s, sparking speculation on the causes – researchers have suggested ...
T here's nothing worse than a trip to the outhouse in cold weather. But for Arctic bumblebees, potty breaks outside their ...
Bees face extinction because their nests are overheating due to climate change, warns a new study. Wild bumblebees all over ...
Bee removal isn’t easy to do yourself, but don’t buzz with anxiety. Call a bee removal specialist to relocate these ...
Most of us have been stung by a bee and we know it's not much fun. But maybe we also felt a tinge of regret, or vindication, ...
There are over 270 species of bee in the UK and good planting is essential to get different types into your garden. Honeybees, for example, have short tongues so are able to access flowers that are ...
In comparison, most wild bees only forage very short distances (less than 200m) and must stay close to their nest. So those ...
Utah's native pollinators are in trouble and need your help. Here are things that can assist in making Utah a sanctuary.
Borders between farmers’ fields, for example, are critical to wild bees, which nest primarily on or in the ground among dried leaves, stalks and sticks. One species, the eastern snail shell ...
Why are they there and what should I do? In comparison, most wild bees only forage very short distances (less than 200m) and must stay close to their nest. So those hardworking European honey bees ...