Legally, peonage was outlawed by Congress in 1867. However, after Reconstruction, many Southern black men were swept into peonage though different methods, and the system was not completely ...
In black churches, women generally were not permitted to preach. One notable exception was Jarena Lee, who became an itinerant preacher, traveling thousands of miles and writing her own spiritual ...
Seasickness is uncommon on large cruise ships because of their size. "However, some ships do go through rough waters, like around the tip of South America," says Mark Wise, MD, a family physician ...
Since their relatively recent appearance on the commercial scene, rare-earth magnets have made quite a splash in the public imagination. The amount of magnetic energy packed into these tiny, shiny ...
Interviews to decide which of the 18 first-class counties will host professional women’s teams from 2025 will begin next week at Lord’s and will involve Kelly Simmons, former director of the ...
In developing countries, women frequently rely on coal and biomass fuels for cooking and heating, putting them and their and their children at higher risk to the effects of home pollutants.