Symbols—logos, cultural icons, and more—abound in our daily lives. However, have you ever thought about what some symbols you ...
Saoirse Ronan, an actress from Ireland, has had to teach people in America how to pronounce her name, including in her ...
On April 30, 2024, several social media accounts on X shared an image purporting to be a new version of the LGBTQ+ pride flag. "I go offline for 2 days and there's apparently a new more inclusive ...
The finding suggests these whales have a communication system considerably more complex than previously thought. It also ...
It avoids computer glitches North Yorkshire council has sparked fury among residents and language experts after declaring it would scrap apostrophes on street signs to sidestep issues with computer ...
The various species of whales inhabiting Earth's oceans employ different types of vocalizations to communicate. Sperm whales, the largest of the toothed whales, communicate using bursts of clicking ...
Expressions linking space to time are a common part of our day to day lives. You might say the morning "flew by," or that school exams are "fast approaching." Right now, you might say summer is "just ...