Ahead of her official birthday on Saturday, keepers on Friday served up a treat of fruit and vegetables. Vet Andre Schüle said there is no gorilla older than Fatou in any other zoo, "and we have ...
“Philadelphia Zoo has a rich history of successful gorilla births, and we are hopeful to see new offspring in the future as ...
The 11-year-old female, named Patty, joins the zoo's four other gorillas as part of a Species Survival Plan, zoo officials said.
One person in the comments section made a really great point about what was really going on here: "For anyone needing info, ...
CINCINNATI (WXIX) - Gladys at the Cincinnati Zoo received the world’s first 3D-printed titanium cast for her broken arm, the ...
Imagine a grocery list that includes blood for a vampire bat, Cheerios for a gorilla and thousands ... that live at the zoo. Keepers visit as needed to pick up food for their charges.
Fort Worth Zoo gorilla keeper Angie Holmes holds baby gorilla Jameela while caring for her on March 20, shortly before the infant was transferred to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Keepers there say ...
A baby gorilla and his mom shared a very sweet moment at Fort Worth Zoo and luckily for us it was caught on camera. Bruno is ...
Kotagal was not only among the first Cincinnati Children's pediatricians to work with Cincinnati Zoo animals – she worked with the first gorillas born there. She would bring her daughters ...
Baby Jameela may have found her new mom! A video posted by the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo shows a surrogate mother gorilla named Freddy, short for Fredrika, picking her up within seconds of seeing ...