Ebooks have grown in popularity over the course of the last twenty years or so, yet the medium could have originated as early ...
One type of device that has been lagging behind phones and computers when it comes to repairability is e-readers. Yes, you can repair your broken Kindle, and there are lots of guides out there on how ...
If you want something to read on your new Kindle, check out our tips for how to get free ebooks. And if you absolutely, positively have to start reading right now (or just want an option to keep ...
The Kobo Colour e-readers might be capturing all of the headlines on major news publications and tech review sites, and with ...
Once you've figured out what exactly you want from your reading device, you can use our list of the best ereaders below to find what's right for you and your budget. We also have suggestions for ...
Amazon’s Kindle lineup always seems to offer something that can compete or even top the best e-book readers. It’s also a lineup that often offers some great e-reader deals. Some of the best ...
Google is offering over 300 digital kids' books for free, with the option to read and listen simultaneously for enhanced ...
iFixit, the company that sells repair tools and parts for electronics, will soon provide repair kits for Kobo's colored ...
And some millennials and members of Gen Z may believe that the reading they are doing isn’t real reading. But a narrow ...
Google said that these new ebook titles are available at no extra charge. Furthermore, in an attempt to make the reading ...
Dear Annie: “Eighty-One Years Wise,” who wrote in about feeling uncomfortable around poorly behaved children, was spot on, ...
Unstoppable artificial intelligence is reshaping reading habits, while also redefining the dynamics of the publishing ...