However, monarch butterflies face habitat loss and environmental challenges threatening their population. This is where the milkweed plant comes in. It's essential for monarchs because they only lay ...
The native plant I am most excited about in my "unlawned" front yard this spring won’t be showing up in beauty pictures anytime soon. But one morning this week, I was elated to discover that the ...
The monarch butterflies we see here in northeastern Oklahoma are Eastern monarchs. These monarchs visit us twice a year.
May is Gardening for Wildlife Month, which highlights the importance of gardening not only for beauty but for a purpose.
South TEXAS GARDENERQ. Why do most nurseries only sell Tropical Milkweed when so many native milkweed selections exist? A. I ...
For large plantings: Black Cherry and Black Willow trees are each host species for dozens of insects and provide food for ...
One challenge is a lack of access to milkweed plants which is where they exclusively lay their eggs. The SCWF is encouraging South Carolinians to plant milkweed throughout the state to help ...
If you love monarch butterflies, you’re in luck: Spring gardening season unfolds just as these iconic insects are migrating ...
According to Shiloh Museum master gardener Marty Powers, this is because of the decreasing number of milkweed plants. The ...
According to the USDA, common milkweed is “nature’s mega food market for insects.” There are more than 450 insects known to feed on some portion of the plant. It’s among the most important ...
In addition to being a monarch magnet, milkweed supports many other pollinators and is easy to grow. Just about every school ...