Chinese resource-backed loans were a lifeline for African economies but fluctuating commodity prices exposed a hidden danger.
China stands out as a major creditor to African nations, contributing 12% (equivalent to KSh 94 trillion) of the total external debt burden across the continent.
When U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen indirectly referred to former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, was she aware of the announcement of her own boss that 100,000 ...
Elon Musk has voiced concerns about the future stability of the U.S. dollar, highlighting the escalating national debt as a potential catalyst for a looming economic crisis.
U.S. Rep. Tracey Mann, R-01, said out of 435 congressional districts in the country, his is the third highest ag producing district in the country. He visited constituents in Dodge City, Kansas, April ...
Study from KBRA Credit Profile finds 75% of Chicago’s office CMBS loans have either defaulted or are at risk of default.
Earlier, Vitor Gaspar, director of the International Monetary Fund’s Fiscal Affairs Department, said that the growth of the US national debt spurred side effects across the globe ...
Why You Should Give a Damn About Economics skillfully breaks down complex economic theories with engaging real-world examples and humorous cartoons drawn by New Yorker cartoonist Lisa Rothstein. Rubin ...
The administration forgave $6.1 billion in student debt for more than 300,000 borrowers from private for-profit system The Art Institutes this week.
The deficit and the overall national debt have risen to such heights in a short period because the economy slowed down due to ...
Goldman Sachs, International Monetary Fund, and the Congressional Budget Office are the latest to warn it’s a looming problem ...