Her Piedmont Avenue store now mixes enthusiasm for botany with support for other women- and BIPOC-owned businesses.
The Friends of the Newbury Town Library is holding its annual plant sale fundraiser on Saturday, May 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Newbury Town Library, ...
Fortunately for those with smaller yards, patios, or even balconies, jasmine can be grown in pots. Jasmine is a relatively ...
Whatever the size of the pot, proper drainage is imperative for healthy plants. "Drainage is essential for potted plants ...
Known for its “beautiful pink trumpet-like flowers and unusual leaves,” according to Lucas, the coral honeysuckle is native ...
A good range of native and non-native plants are suited to zone 4, winters are milder than in colder zones, so more plants ...
Fill the newly made pots with dirt. Mulvihill says it’s best to use a seed-starting mix or potting soil from a garden center ...
It's a striking plant with large, fragrant blooms. While it's relatively easy to grow and care for, the angel's trumpet does ...
There are plant swaps and sales throughout the county. There are classes and events to make paper succulents, moon gardens ...
As spring-like weather approaches, so does the desire to start gardening. Lindsley’s Greenhouse in Green Bay opened for the ...
The first-ever Flower Sale fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 11 will be held at the Upton House Museum on Dodge Park Road ...
FAIRMONT, W.Va. (WV News) — For the third year in a row, the City of Fairmont has begun its spring beautification efforts in ...