The $8 million allocated is a portion of the more than $124 million that the committee has received from settlements with ...
Smith defeated Matthew Corey at the convention but not by enough to avoid a primary for the right to run against Sen. Chris ...
Erick Russell hopes the promise of a baby bond when the child turns 18 can make a difference in how the child is raised and ...
Congress approved an additional $400M for security upgrades at houses of worship and religious nonprofits across the U.S., including CT.
Supporters and critics alike of the new state budget that starts July 1 concede the path legislators took to craft the plan was unconventional. The $26 billion budget that takes effect July 1 was ...
Rental assistance is CT's most efficient use of public resources to house families. It is the backbone of housing stability for many of us.
Americans bound to Palestine or Israel by history, family, religion or culture have lived with our hearts in our throats these past months.
While minor and technical adjustments to CT criminal justice policy were passed, bigger changes didn't occur in the 2024 ...
The gatherings were routine but served as an energizing force as CT Democrats prepare to defend every congressional seat in ...
WSHU spoke with Jessika Harkay to discuss her article on the meetings between parents of students with disabilities and ...
Higher education and human services in CT get a temporary boost under the plan, but Republicans say budget rules were ignored ...
At the CT convention, a ‘joyful’ Murphy sounded like a politician who has settled on a political home and role — the ...