Imagine a set of classic Matryoshka dolls, each containing a smaller doll inside it. MADMAX – not the movie, but an ...
Uncovering the fundamental laws and constituents of the universe is not just a source of fascination for particle physicists. Engineers, chemists and materials scientists draw similar motivation in ...
Following damages caused by a car accident on 10 April, the opening hours of Entrance C (Route Maxwell, on the Meyrin site) had been adapted in the past weeks, and the presence of a security guard was ...
The central heating at the Meyrin and Prévessin sites is usually turned off around mid- to late May each year. Reducing the number of days of heating on campus was one of the measures included in CERN ...
Check out this curated list of upcoming events for the CERN community ...
Zoom link: ...
The Workshop organized by SUNET as an informal event for the CS3 JupyterHub Community. The workshop will be held online on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 13:00-17:00 CEST (Edit 20240320: extended workshop ...
In my talk, I will propose a natural definition of subsystem independence and gravitational dressing of perturbations in classical gravity. Next, I show that extremal surfaces, generic trapped ...
EXHIBITION of Aura Kajas. Aura Kajas is a Finnish artist who creates sculptures in ceramics. Her works focus on flora and fauna. Biodiversity together with natural habitats has r ...
"CQFD" is a radio program about science and health. The "CQFD" team explains and analyzes scientific and medical discoveries and progress. In the frame of CERN's 70th anniversary, the program of the ...