That is more than double the number of deaths reported two weeks ago as the amount of rainfall increases, especially in the ...
Counterfeit fertilisers threaten Africa's agricultural prosperity amid rising hunger while the long-standing conflict plunges ...
The game at the Stade Bernard Giroux outside Paris raised funds for a French foundation dedicated to improving the lives of ...
The events unfolded on February 25th, with the village of Soro bearing witness to the loss of 179 lives, while 44 others ...
Human rights organizations have for years warned that tougher policies and police crackdowns are not deterring migration but ...
As the global progress against malaria slows down, the World Health Organization is using World Malaria Day 2024 to reignite ...
"We have the ground for entertainment, we have a mini football ground, basketball combined with volleyball. We have the live ...
The discussions, centered on enhancing the already positive relationship between the Holy city and Ghana. The historic ...
The malaria parasite mostly spreads to people via infected mosquitoes and can cause symptoms including fever, headaches and ...
An additional US$1.4 trillion is needed to achieve universal social protection across low- and middle-income countries, the ...
Over 100 prisoners have fled from a correctional facility near Nigeria's capital following severe rain that caused damage to ...
As rain continues to batter Kenya, residents in the capital Nairobi grappled on Wednesday with the aftermath of severe ...