Legislation allowing both parents to share joint custody of their children after a divorce for the first time was passed by ...
WASHINGTON--The Biden administration has reached an agreement to provide up to $6.4 billion in direct funding for Samsung ...
A special committee of the town assembly here on April 15 started discussing a possible first step in hosting a final ...
Tourists marveled at breathtaking mountain views and towering walls of snow as the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route fully opened ...
Beijing authorities are investigating Sunday’s Beijing’s half-marathon after footage shared online showed three African ...
Global smartphone shipments rose nearly 8% in the first quarter, according to preliminary data from International Data Corp.
China’s economy in the first quarter beat expectations while receiving a boost from policies and an increase in demand, the ...
WASHINGTON--The top U.S. diplomat for East Asia discussed Middle East developments, the South China Sea and Taiwan issues ...
The dollar reached its highest since early November against a basket of currencies on Monday and sent the yen to its lowest ...
SEOUL--South Korea’s foreign ministry summoned a Japanese diplomat on Tuesday to protest a claim in Japan’s annual diplomatic policy Bluebook over a group of islands between the countries at the ...
米CNNは15日、 イスラエル 軍が パレスチナ自治区ガザ の最南端ラファへの地上侵攻計画を延期したと報じた。イランからの攻撃への対応に加え、ラファに侵攻した場合の国際社会の反応を計算しているとみられる。
仙台市 の 電子部品 メーカーの工場で2020年、設備を修理中だった社員2人が窒息死した事故で、当時作業を指示し、業務上過失致死の罪に問われた50代の男性被告について、 仙台地裁 は16日、無罪(求刑罰金60万円)を言い渡した。