Recently, an article by a local think tank MWYO on the employment support for young single parents in Hong Kong points out that although nearly 40% of these young people (aged 18 to 34) who do not ...
Sipping beer, an official of the city government in Harbin in northeast China was asked if and when his country would reclaim its lost territories in the Russian Far East the Tsar seized 160 years ...
The subject of censorship is one that is both thorny and intricate. It is thorny, in the sense that few ever explicitly discuss it in places where it is most prevalent; it is intricate, in that ...
I was invited to speak at the China Conference hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School this year, on a panel featuring young thought leaders, professionals, and researchers in the US-China space.
The China Association for Geospatial Industry and Sciences (“the CAGIS”) released the Top Ten Highlights of China's Geographic Information Industry in 2023, which provides much inspiration.
Dr. Jane Goodall, the renowned primatologist and anthropologist, said, "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." As we reflect on the year ...
一年一度由康樂及文化事務署主辦的「音樂盛會」今年繼續邀請國際級演奏家及樂團,為香港樂迷帶來一連串精彩音樂會。節目於5月至11月舉行 ...
亞洲攝影師代表:森山大道與張照堂 在法國國家圖書館的攝影藏品中,不乏奈良原一高、內田京子及森山大道等日本攝影師名字,今年86歲的森山 ...
談意大利高級成衣,一切要回到Walter Albini。當Yves Saint Laurent在1960年代於巴黎掀起了Prêt-à-Porter成衣革命,1970年代Walter Albini則在米蘭延續這段布爾喬 ...
There exists a curious bifurcation in international discourse on China today. On one hand, there are those who prevaricate between either of the following narratives – firstly that China has ...
法國攝影大師:布列松與Willy Ronis 法國是攝影術誕生地,孕育出多位出色攝影師,展覽現場可見兩位法國攝影師Willy Ronis與布列松的作品,他們均擅 ...
一年一度由康樂及文化事務署主辦的「音樂盛會」今年繼續邀請國際級演奏家及樂團,為香港樂迷帶來一連串精彩音樂會 ...