SAF has been eligible for tax credits under the IRA since the start of 2023, but the rules governing how the CI of fuels is ...
Wars in the Middle East and Ukraine making use of cheap drone technology and missile expertise are highlighting changing ...
The years-long battle over 'just and reasonable' rates of return has a new life thanks to a bipartisan Senate bill that would rewrite federal law.
Before concluding that the Paris Agreement goal should be relaxed or abandoned, the consequences should be carefully ...
There have already been some fiery exchanges in and around big oil firms' AGMs — we would remind top executives to engage ...
The Omani champion wants to grow its core oil and gas business while working to reach its long-term decarbonization goals.
Economies and markets periodically experience “sea changes” or disruptions, with oil undergoing such a conversion today, ...
Russia's planned tax overhaul to increase inflows to the state budget to help finance growing military and social obligations ...
An EU Russian LNG ban could happen by the end of the decade once supply security is guaranteed, industry players say.
Shares are up sharply so far this year, but the industry has been here before, and investors have proven fickle.
Key legislation to drive domestic SAF production is still missing, but at least the demand picture has more clarity.
Russia is adapting to LNG equipment sanctions, but it will face growing challenges with maintenance at its key plants.