Instead, we found ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people that weekend. I gave up on my book our first day on the beach, after being unable to ignore the group blaring a sports radio ...
Have you ever felt backed up against a wall with no way out? Although a situation like that is truly beyond what you can manage, it is not too big for God. In fact, if you could competently handle ...
Spiritual gifts are a tremendous blessing from God. They are given to enable believers to serve for the good of the church, which is the body of Christ. But we are warned not to think more highly of ...
When the Lord invited Peter, James, and John to ascend a mountain with Him, their lives were forever changed by what they saw and heard. As Jesus was transfigured before them, they were stunned by a ...
Most of us would love our own personal financial advisor to help us navigate unexpected expenses and economic turns. And according to the prophet Malachi, we do have one—almighty God. Like all good ...
When Jesus walked this earth, one group of people consistently refused Him—the Pharisees. The most outwardly righteous people of that day couldn’t see themselves as sinners. These religious leaders ...
In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus wrestled with the knowledge that He would die on the cross, bearing the weight of our sin and being spiritually separated from the Father. Jesus got alone before the ...
Discover more of your freedom in Christ, and enjoy a fruitful prayer life. May you feel refreshed each morning and find rest each night. God is always ready for your prayers. These Freedom Morning and ...
As humans, we all sin. Every one of us has frailties and periods of suffering. Often when difficulties arise, we turn to loved ones for comfort. But these people are human, too, and they’re subject to ...
You’ve probably noticed that church life can be comforting and refreshing, or uncomfortable, puzzling, difficult, and all-absorbing—in other words, it’s a lot like a family. A healthy, Bible- ...
Why am I here? Everyone wonders this at some point. Some theories suggest that we’re merely taking up space and will return to nothingness when we die. There are also people who say we are masters of ...
Today’s passage is about a painful time in Paul’s life. He sat in a prison cell, knowing that death was coming. After devoting his last years to teaching others and sharing Christ, he now was alone ...