With the perfunctory matter of Yousaf’s exit sorted, attention quickly shifted to who will come next. It is clear that the ...
Polling shows that migration is not high enough up the list of key issues for swing voters to the Conservatives but on the ...
In Ten Years to Save the West, Truss has lessons for the Conservative Party. They’re just not the ones she thinks.
Caledonian Road is a brick of a novel lobbed at the towering glass houses of London.
Oliver Coppard is up for re-election on 2 May, but he doesn't readily betray a big, defining political project.
Forbes remains the SNP’s outstanding performer and its most dynamic intellectual force. As polls showed at the time of the ...
The Prime Minister can argue that the Rwanda plan is having a deterrent effect. Five months ago, an anti-migrant riot set ...
Every football club is a Ship of Theseus. If it changes players and coaches, owners and administrative staff, swaps colours, ...
A rising number of parents want to ban under-16s from owning smartphones: “If it’s impossible for adults to regulate their ...
The novelist on the threat to free speech, facing his attacker, and why writing Knife gave him back “the power”.
A politician, a moralist, a professor and a deeply original historian, David Marquand, who was born in 1934 and died on 23 ...
The example of Railtrack should remind us that even business-friendly governments aren’t always averse to public ownership.