Because the film has so little to say, viewers are free to simply focus on the vibes—which happen to be the area where Luca ...
As social networks become less reliable distributors of the news, consumers of digital journalism are seeking out an older ...
Manhattan prosecutors have argued that the Stormy Daniels case—the first criminal trial of a former President in American ...
New books examine the place of work in our lives—and how people throughout history have tried to change it. There’s a line in ...
The change seemed inevitable. Carranca writes that just a hundred and thirty-six Latin American missionaries, all but ...
The professor and critic will be remembered for her brilliant books, but teaching brought her genius to the fore.
And so she put down her microphone, for a time, to embark on a new career as a producer and a d.j. In the world of electronic ...
During his tenure with the Reagan Administration, Abrams was involved in supporting authoritarian regimes in Guatemala and El ...
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As the first Native American Cabinet member, the Secretary of the Interior has made it part of her job to address the ...
For years, we have heard a litany of reasons why our capacity to pay attention is disturbingly on the wane. Technology—the ...
Politicians despise it. Administrators aren’t defending it. But it made our universities great—and we’ll miss it when it’s ...