It would be hard to pick a worse time to not have an XPU offload engine that can do lots of matrix math at mixed precision ...
It has been quite a week for Hashi Corp, the company behind the open source Hashi Stack of systems software for creating and ...
Not many devices in the datacenter have been etched with the Intel 4 process, which is the chip maker’s spin on 7 nanometer ...
The Internet of Things (IoT) has shown significant growth and promise, with data generated by IoT devices alone expected to ...
With large language models, bigger is better (and faster) but better is also better. And one of the key insights that the ...
Spending on infrastructure to support generative AI is apparently booming, as clearly evidenced by the skyrocketing revenues ...
Everyone is in a big hurry to get the latest and greatest GPU accelerators to build generative AI platforms. Those who can’t ...
We have a long-standing joke that dates from the early 2000s, when the hyperscalers – there were not yet cloud builders as we ...
Today is the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the “Venado” supercomputer, which was hinted at back in April 2021 when Nvidia ...
How many cores is enough for server CPUs? All that we can get, and then some. For the past two decades, the game in compute ...
More than a decade ago, executives at Arm Ltd saw the energy costs in datacenters soaring and sensed an opportunity to extend ...