The Tax Office says tax and super professionals play a key role in helping address illegal early access to super.
SMSFs may no longer be prepared to invest in illiquid assets such as start-ups if the super tax legislation is passed in its current form, says the chairman of a global investment platform.
An incorrect valuation of fund assets could lead to an incorrect value for pensions, warns a senior adviser. Mark Ellem, head of education for Accurium, said if an SMSF undervalues its assets, it will ...
The importance of supplying a Notice of Intention in relation to cashing out superannuation was highlighted in a recent ...
The number of Class accounts has grown 3 per cent, with HUB24 also reporting a boost in adviser numbers. In an announcement ...
Personal deductible contributions must be made before the age of 67 to avoid the work test, says a technical specialist.
Advisers are bracing for the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort levy while Jones has hit the campaign trail and officially ...
A recent tribunal decision regarding non-arm’s length income is unlikely to apply to private lending arrangements more ...
The corporate regulator has announced it will have an interim chief executive amid an executive leadership reshuffle.
The asset protection strategy often referred to as a 'gift and loan back' arrangement (and various iterations of it) has ...
A trust instrument with a variation power that is considered too narrow to achieve wider objectives can be difficult to vary, ...
It’s important advisers consider who qualifies as a spouse early in their client interactions, especially when dealing with ...