Arce Raya, a community advocate who uses her story to change the conversation around immigration, was named one of People en ...
In the short term, working memory allows the brain to complete an immediate task, like loading the dishwasher. Long term, it ...
The University of Texas at Arlington has been recognized once more for its intentional efforts to support veteran students ...
Researchers have developed a new shoe insole technology that helps reduce the risk of diabetic foot ulcers, a dangerous open ...
Rob Citino, a distinguished fellow with the National World War II Museum, said museum staff wanted to look at how the legacy ...
The University of Texas at Arlington is working with National Taiwan University (NTU) to establish a student exchange program ...
CreateCollab, a unique collaboration between University of Texas at Arlington Associate Professor of communication Erika ...
Since joining UTA in September, Corson has focused on revitalizing UTA’ s entrepreneurship support offerings. CETD’s new ...
Production of ethylene is one of the most important chemical processes used today, with about 300 million metric tons of the ...
Elizabeth Labrada, a senior from L.D. Bell High School, and Juan Vera, a senior from Palmer High School, also received a $500 ...
The University of Texas at Arlington will be on the international stage for a gathering of experts who aim to address the ...
Compilation of Fast Facts ” represents a series of fact sheets containing an array of information on the profile of Latino ...