Researchers studying Jupiter have made discoveries that could help scientists better understand fundamental physics of ...
Someday an unlucky outburst from our sun could strike Earth and fry most of our electronics—and we’ve already had some ...
For example, a severe geomagnetic storm emerged in April, “the third geomagnetic storm of that magnitude since the solar cycle began,” the outlet said. Still, researchers expect that this cycle will ...
Powerful solar storms could disrupt the technology that fuels modern life. Are we prepared for that threat? America has a ...
Although astronomers still aren’t quite sure why this happens, it’s certainly observable—and recent activity definitely ...
In the early hours of Tuesday (April 23), quadruple solar flares near-simultaneously exploded from across the sun's surface, ...
(Gray News) - A severe solar storm that hit Earth Sunday night could allow parts of the U.S. to see the northern lights. Though there are signs of weakening, “the solar wind speed is still ...
America has a track record with these kinds of occurrences. In 1859, a massive solar storm that came to be known as “The ...
Looks like we might have been a bit premature in our dismissal last week of the Sun’s potential for throwing a temper tantrum, as that’s exactly what happened when a G1 geomagnetic storm hit ...