elect Dave McCormick ... sued Bucks County’s elections board to stop workers there from tallying 405 ballots that aren’t properly dated. The Republican has also challenged Philadelphia ...
Counsel for Senatorial candidate David McCormick, who ran against incumbent Senator Bob Casey, has requested a special injunction to sequester all provisional ballots from Tuesday's election.
Bob Casey and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee are suing Bucks County, saying that the county's decision not to count 74 provisional ballots ... Casey and McCormick is less than ...
Bob Casey and Republican David McCormick is headed for a statewide recount, as counties continued Wednesday to sort through outstanding ballots and the campaigns jousted over which ones should count.
as Democrats navigated headwinds like voter dissatisfaction over inflation under President Joe Biden. That was enough to help pull McCormick to victory, they said. McCormick drew on contacts from ...