M edical students will soon be able to practise on virtual patients powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to behave like ...
MediMusic is taking first steps to commercialize its healthtech IP and even launch its own version of the iPod for clinical ...
The medical professionals have had their say on how many times you should get intimate with your partner in a week ...
Expert opinion from Ilya Aleksandrovskiy M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience · USA Some of the significant ways to prevent ...
An Open Letter to House Speaker Mike Moyle and the Idaho Legislature: If you aren’t sure why doctors are leaving Idaho at ...
Doctors amputate two fingers from a young man with body integrity dysphoria, raising ethical concerns about underlying gender ...
Ideological” doctors treating those seeking to change gender will face a crackdown from watchdogs, the Health Secretary has ...
Parents who claim they were "gagged" in legal proceedings about their dying children have gathered at the Supreme Court, as ...
It highlights the critical role of physicians when it comes to preventing gun violence, saying they can help promote safety.
Doctors are just feeding their egos as they believe that the election results were swayed by the medical reform scheme and public disapproval of the quota increase.
Some cancers cannot be remedied by normal radiation treatments, so doctors have had to get creative to figure out ways to get ...
Montana ranks near the bottom for residents having access to fluoridated water, which can prevent cavities and strengthen ...