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Honda Marine BF8 Portable Outboard Motor, Electric Start, 8 HP, Shaft, Size 20" | Overton's

The Honda Marine BF8 Portable Outboard Motor is a reliable, fuel-efficient and powerful engine that weighs less than most conventional 8 HP outboards. It comes with fully regulated charging systems and harnesses, the largest alternator in its class, shallow water drive feature, auto start enrichment for easy starts and quick warm-up. With an er…
The Honda Marine BF8 Portable Outboard Motor is a reliable, fuel-efficient and powerful engine that weighs less than most conventional 8 HP outboards. It comes with fully regulated charging systems and harnesses, the largest alternator in its class, shallow water drive feature, auto start enrichment for easy starts and quick warm-up. With an ergonomic design rounded to avoid catching fishing line, this motor is perfect for small boats or dinghies.
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The Honda Marine BF8 Portable Outboard Motor is a reliable, fuel-efficient and powerful engine that weighs less than most conventional 8 HP outboards. It comes with fully regulated charging systems and harnesses, the largest alternator in its class, shallow water drive feature, auto start enrichment for easy starts and quick warm-up. With an ergonomic design rounded to avoid catching fishing line, this motor is perfect for small boats or dinghies.

Cechy produktu

Weight150.00 Lb
Warranty5 Year
Mfg Part No.657300
BrandHonda Marine
Gear Ratio2.33:1
Fuel Tank TypePortable
Shaft Length20.00 In
Number Of Cylinders2
Weight (Lbs.)98.00 Lbs
Engine Type4-stroke