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14 ft. SM-Rib Galvalume Steel 29-Gauge Roof/Siding Panel in White

Gibraltar's painted SM-Rib panels are a popular choice for a wide variety of residential and commercial projects. This durable and lightweight panel is ideal for roofing or siding any structure, from a simple shed to a complex residential development. The rugged polyester finish will stand up to the harshest weather conditions and is backed by a 40-year …
Gibraltar's painted SM-Rib panels are a popular choice for a wide variety of residential and commercial projects. This durable and lightweight panel is ideal for roofing or siding any structure, from a simple shed to a complex residential development. The rugged polyester finish will stand up to the harshest weather conditions and is backed by a 40-year warranty. SM-Rib is an exposed fastener panel. Panels are secured to the roof deck with color-matched gasketed screws to prevent leaking. SM-Rib panels are easily cut with shears and being light weight makes them easy to use and transport.
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Home Depot


Gibraltar's painted SM-Rib panels are a popular choice for a wide variety of residential and commercial projects. This durable and lightweight panel is ideal for roofing or siding any structure, from a simple shed to a complex residential development. The rugged polyester finish will stand up to the harshest weather conditions and is backed by a 40-year warranty. SM-Rib is an exposed fastener panel. Panels are secured to the roof deck with color-matched gasketed screws to prevent leaking. SM-Rib panels are easily cut with shears and being light weight makes them easy to use and transport.